Funny thing, about the Savoy’s Beaufort Bar: it is more ‘real’ than the real thing. What we mean is that the Savoy’s considerably more storied, original cocktail bar was and remains the American Bar. It is well worth a visit and it is one of the three or four spots, worldwide, where cocktail culture came into being or at least matured into its modern state. But if we think of a bar that exudes Great Gatsby glamour, night-time mystery and undiluted, luxurious sexiness, then it has to be the Beaufort Bar.
As much as we venerate tradition and value provenance, the Beaufort Bar, which only opened in 2013, delights us, in part, because it is solid proof that the aesthetic excellence and civility that so many seem to want to consign to the past is alive and well. Then again, this is in the Savoy.

Once you’ve seen the pictures, there is very little we can add in describing the interior aspect of the Beaufort Bar. It is a symphony of lacquered gold and midnight black. If you and your companions have nay dash, any at all, this place will make you look like old Hollywood movie stars …
The Beaufort Bar does a topping line in bar snacks, both hot and cold; if you simply can’t tear yourself away from this most excellent bar. Naturally, they do not come cheap, but then you knew that. The pricing definitely puts the Beaufort at the very special occasion end of things, unless your line of business is “looting my country’s natural resources”. Like we said: this is in the Savoy…

The Beaufort Bar
Savoy Hotel, the Strand, WC2R 0EZ
Tel.: 020 7836 4343