As our keen-eyed readers will have spotted, we have decided after some deliberation to close down
the website.
Very simply, we have been unable to maintain the flow of fresh articles which a blog of this sort requires.
We published some 29 pieces in 2021, followed by a mere 9 in 2022, 6 in 2023 and…2 (sic) in 2024.
There is still plenty to say about “elegant people in elegant places”, surely, and we intend to say it but perhaps in alliance with other contributors to this fascinating world of aesthetic resistance (to the general blah).
We will certainly continue to instigate inexcusably swell gatherings of the sort documented on this website.
Just give us half a sec!

On the remote (but frankly flattering) possibility that someone, somewhere might want to revisit some of the material we published, we have gathered the articles (by topic) in handy .PDF files, available on demand.
Conversely, in obedience to the diktats of data protection regs, our email list will be permanently obliterated soon after this last message is sent out.
It is not a wistful or maudlin farewell from us, but rather a hope of future gadding about.
Let us endeavour to be not spectators, but rather part of the spectacle.