We do not typically profile restaurant’s bar separately from the restaurant itself. Especially if the latter is culinarily respected and visually arresting. But here we are talking about the gin joint known as China Tang (the bar); a place that can easily stand on its own merits. It should also be noted that China Tang was one of the first high-end, properly executed bars or restaurants to reignite the passion for Art Deco style, after the dismal 1990s, with an attention to detail that immediately lifted it above the “theme hospitality” genre.

There are several qualities worth mentioning about the China tang Bar. The first thing you’ll notice is the aesthetically unique blend of exotic Chinoiserie and lush Art Deco. The drinks, we can state from experience, are very, very well made. The service is flawless: on-point but deceptively restful, suffering none of the anomie that has infected some establishment.

The spatial quality is also unique, hitting that perfect balance of cosy but opulent; neither too large nor poky. If you get peckish, the ‘bar food’ is anything but that. It is, in fact, a selection of the top-notch Chinese cuisine served next room in the restaurant. We even like the toilets which, in addition to admirably fulfilling their purpose, feature recorded poetry being read by classically-trained actors. Incidentally, the placement of China Tang in the basement of the Dorchester means that you can approach it as an independent venue, from Park Lane or, if you prefer, sashay down the length of the promenade lobby and take a left at the end. Prices are Dorchester-based, so not exactly cheap. That said, there are several bars, at this level, in London, that manage to charge a fair bit more.

China Tang at The Dorchester
53 Park Lane, W1K 1QA
Tel: 020 7319 7088